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Bladder lnfection Treatment

Bladder lnfection

Bladder infections are usually caused by some type bacteria resulting in cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder. Kidney infections are more serious and often result from cystitis. Bladder inflammations are much more frequent in women than in men due to the closeness of the bladder and urethra to the vagina. The bacteria gain access to the bladder by traveling up the urethra in females. The closeness of the anus to the vagina and urethra allows the transmission of bacteria to the bladder in women.

Nearly 85 percent of urinary tract infections are caused by Escherichia coli, a bacterium found in the intestines. Chiamydia may also cause bladder problems in sexually active women. Bladder infections are characterized by an urge desire to empty the bladder. Urination is typically frequent and painful; even after the bladder has been emptied, however, there may be a desire to urinate again. The urine often has a strong, unpleasant odor and may appear cloudy. Children suffering from bladder infections may have lower abdominal pain and experience painful burning sensation while urinating. Blood in the urine could indicate a more serious problem and warrants medical attention.
Antibiotics and analgesics may be necessary treatment. If your physician prescribes these drugs, make sure you take some form of acidophilus to replace the "friendly" bacteria that are destroyed by these drugs.


In order to determine whether you have a urinary tract infection, a simple home kit can answer your questions. You can purchase a product called Dipstick from your local drugstore. It contains a thin strip of plastic that has been chemically treated. If the tip of this strip changes color when dipped in urine, it indicates the presence of a bacterial infection. If you are susceptible to infections, check yourself weekly. Make sure that your urine sample is collected cleanly. Begin urinating, and then collect specimen while in midstream.

Very Important    
2 capsules 3 times daily. Also use I tbsp. in 1 quart warm water as a douche; if associated with vaginitis, alternate with apple cider vinegar, Supplies the necessary "friendly" bacteria.
Vitamin C 4,000-5,000 mgdaily in divided doses. Produces antibacterial effect through acidification of urine. Also important in immune function.
Garlic capsules
2 capsules 3 times daily. Kyolic Is odorless garlic and a natural antibiotic.
(amino acid)
500 mg twice daily on an empty stomach. A potent detoxitier.
SP-6 Cornsilk Blend from
Solaray Products
KB from Nature's Way Products
2 capsules twice daily. These herb formulas have a diuretic effect and reduce bladder spasm.
Thymus and pituitary raw glandulars 50 mg twice daily. Used by many professionals and available in health foodstores. Important for immune function. See GLANDULAR THERAPY
Vitamin B complex 50-100 mg twice daily with meals. High doses are necessary when antibiotics are used.
magnesium .
1,500 mg daily

750- 1,000 mg daily
Calcium reduces bladder irritability. Magnesium aids in the stress response and work best when balanced with calcium. Chelate formula is the most effective.
Vitamin and
mineral complex .(high potency)
As directed on label. Needed for essential balance vitamins and minerals. Use hypoallergenic form.
Vitamin A
10,000 IU daily.

15,000 IU daily.
Promotes the healing process and immune function.
Vitamin E 600 IU daily. Combats infecting bacteria.
Zinc 50 mg daily. Important in tissue repair and immunity.


Beneficial herbs include burdock root, juniper berries, marshmallow root, and rose hips. Marshmallow root increases the acid content in the urine, inhibiting bacterial growth. Juniper berries will help to restore ions when there is bleeding; however, pregnant women should not use large amounts of this herb.

Diuretics can help cleanse the system. Dandelion tea or dandelion extract acts as a diuretic and liver cleanser; it aids in relieving bladder discomfort. You might wish to try uva ursi. Use only small amounts and dilute with other herb teas. Bearberry acts as a mild diuretic and antiseptic. Birch leaves are a natural diuretic and reduce some of the pain associated with bladder infections.


Do not delay emptying the bladder! Making sure that you urinate every two to three hours will help. Research shows that retaining the urine in the bladder for long periods increases a woman's risk of urinary tract infection. An Israeli study suggests that habitual holding of urine may increase the risk of bladder cancer. In addition, empty your bladder before and after exercising to avoid undue strain.

Keep the genital and anal areas clean and dry. Wipe from front to back after emptying the bladder or bowels. Women should empty the bladder before and after intercourse. Avoid hygiene sprays, douches, and bubble baths; these may cause further irritation. Women should wear white cotton underwear-, nylon underwear should be avoided. They should not use tampons if they frequently suffer from urinary tract infections.

When bacteria cannot be cultured by the laboratory and urination is painful, discontinue use of all types of soaps and use only water to clean the vaginal area. Some men are sensitive to soap; an all-natural soap from a health food store is recommended.

Take hot baths (sitz baths) twice daily for twenty minutes. Hot sitz baths will help relieve pain associated the cystitis. Batherapy, which can be found in a health food store, is excellent. In addition, you can add one tbsp vinegar to a sitz bath daily or to shallow bath water, positioning the knees up and apart so that the water can enter the vagina. Alternate with two cloves of crushed garlic or with garlic juice.

1 Drink plenty of liquids, especially cranberry juice. A quality cranberry juice produces hippuric acid in the urine, a substance that acidifies the urine, inhibiting bacterial growth. Avoid Ocean Spray's cranberry juice product, as it contains less than 30 percent cranberry juice and has high fructose corn syrup added. Purchase pure juice from a natural foods store.

Steam-distilled water is preferred over tap water. A six- to eight-ounce glass of quality water every hour is extremely beneficial for urinary tract infections.

Avoid citrus fruits; these produce alkaline urine that encourages bacterial growth. Increase acid content in urine to inhibit bacterial growth.

Stay away from caffeine, carbonated beverages, coffee, chocolate, and alcohol as well.

Include celery, parsley, and watermelon in your diet. These foods act as natural diuretics. Celery and parsley
juice or extract can be purchased at a health food store.

Take either two teaspoonfuls of whey powder with each meal or acidophilus tablets or capsules. This is especially important during antibiotic therapy.


Because use of diuretics causes increased urinary excretion of magnesium, it can cause hypomagnesemia in elderly people. Magnesium is needed in conjunction with calcium to prevent bone deterioration. Potassium is also lost when using diuretics. Consult your physician before using diuretics.

After menopause a reduction of the female hormone, estrogen, can prompt shrinkage of urethral and vaginal membranes, thus promoting incontinence. Because the bladder is satiated, there is a continuous dribbling of urine. Urethral dilation helps stretch the contracted urethra.

Look for allergies, especially to certain foods. Allergies often cause symptoms that mimic bladder infections. Cytotoxic testing can determine which foods are causing the allergic reaction.

Avoid aluminum cookware. It may cause cystitis symptoms.

Bladder infections in men may signal a more serious problem, such as prostatitis. See PROSTATITIS .

Cystitis in men may indicate a serious underlying disease.

A one-to-three-day cleansing fast can be beneficial.

Avoid taking zinc and iron supplements until healed. Bacteria require iron for growth. The body will store iron in compartments in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow when a bacterial infection is present in order to prevent further growth of the bacteria.



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