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A Self-Help Guide For Natural Remedies

Natural Allergy Relief Remedy Treatment


An allergy is the inappropriate response by the body's immune system to a substance that is not normally harmful. The immune system is the highly complex defense mechanism that helps us to combat infection. It does this by identifying "foreign bodies" and mobilizing the body's white blood cells to fight them. In some people, the immune system wrongly identifies a non-toxic substance as an invader, and the white blood cells overreact and do more damage to the body than the invader. Thus, the allergic response becomes a disease in itself. Common responses are asthma, eczema, and hayfever.

The substances that cause allergies are called allergens. Almost any substance can cause an allergy to someone somewhere in the world, but the most common allergens are grass pollen, dust, certain metals (especially nickel), some cosmetics, lanolin, some animal hair, insect bites and stings, some common drugs (e.g., penicillin, aspirin), some foods (e.g., strawberries, eggs, shellfish), some additives (e.g., benzoic acid, sulfur dioxide), and chemicals found in soap and washing powder. No one knows why some people are allergic to certain substances. However, allergies do run in families and it is also believed that babies that are not breastfed are more likely to develop allergies. There may be an emotional cause to the problem as well; stress and anger, especially when the immune system is suppressed, are frequently contributing factors.


Many people are allergic to mold. Molds are microscopic living organisms, neither animal nor insect, that thrive where no other life form can. Molds live throughout the house under the sink and in the bathroom, basement, refrigerator, and any damp, darkplace. They also flourish in the air, in the soil, on dead leaves, and on other organic material. They may be destructive, but they are also beneficial. They help to make cheese, fertilize gardens, and speed decaying of garbage and fallen leaves. Penicillin is made from molds.
Mold spores are carried by the wind and predominate in the summer and early fall. In warm climates they thrive year round. Cutting grass, harvesting crops, or walking through tall vegetation will provoke a reaction. Those who repair old used furniture are also at risk. Keep rooms free from dust and use a dehumidifier in the basement. Use mold-proof paint and a disinfectant on walls and furniture.


Food allergies and food intolerance are not the same. Those with an intolerance lack certain enzymes needed for digestion, and therefore do not break down the food properly. (See ENZYMES in Part One.) Undigested food can enter the bloodstream and cause a reaction. A food allergy occurs when a person has an antibody response to the ingested food. A few foods may provoke a reaction as soon as one starts chewing. These are easy to identify and eliminate from the diet. A delayed reaction is harder to detect. An irritating cough or tickle in the throat is most often a food sensitivity. Research is being conducted on the ability of coenzyme to counter histamine for asthma and other allergy sufferers.

Food Allergy Self-Test

If you suspect that you are allergic to a specific food, a simple test can help you determine if you are correct. By recording your blood pressure after consuming the food in question, you can reveal if you are having an allergic reaction. Using a watch with a second hand, sit down and relax for a few minutes. When completely relaxed, take your pulse at the wrist. Count the number of beats in a sixty-second period. A normal pulse reading is 52-70 beats per minute. Consume the food that you are testing for an allergic reaction. Wait fifteen to twenty minutes and take your pulse again. If your pulse rate increased more than ten beats per minute, omit this food from your diet for one month, and then retest.
When taking the following nutrients, be sure to take only hypoallergenic supplements. GH-3 should not be used if sensitive to metabisulfite (sulfites).

Bee Pollen (raw crude pollen) 2 tsp. daily. or take in capsule form, beginning with a few granules at a time. Best when produced within a 10-mile radius of where you live.
Calcium(chelated form) with
1,500-2,000 mg daily.
750 mg daily.
Needed to help reduce stress.
Multienzymes or pancreatin Take with meals Those suffering from ulcers should take a brand without hydrochloric acid (HCl)
Raw adrenal,raw spleen, and raw thymus glandulars 500 mg each twice daily Stimulate immune function.
Vitamin B complex (high stress) with pantothenic acid (B5) and vitamin B12 100 mg daily and up The B complex and liver injection s give fast results
Vitamin C with bioflavonoids 2,000 mg and up, 3 times daily Stimulates immune function
Beta-carotene 1,500 IU daily A free radical scavenger that stimulates immune response
Quercitin-C from Cardiovascular Research with bromelin 500 mg twice daily

100 mg twice daily.
A co-bioactive bioflavonoid that increases immunity. needed to decrease reactions to certain foods, pollens, and other allergens.
Coenzyme Q10 100 mg daily Improves cellular oxygenation and immune function.
Germanium (Dr. Asai's Ge-132 from Global marketing) 60 mg daily. Improves cellular oxygenation and immune function
L-Tryosine and L-cysteine (amino acids)
vitamins B6 (pyridoxine) and C
500 mg each on empty stomach daily

50 mg each daily.
Vitamins B6 and C aid in assimilation.
Manganese chelate Use for 3 months An important component in many of the body's enzyme systems
Milk-free acidophilus Follow label instructions. Take on an empty stomach for easier access into the small intestine.
Multivitamin and mineral complex As directed on label use hypoallergenic product.
Potassium protinate
chelate form
99 mg daily Necessary for adrenal gland function.
Protein supplement (free form amino acids without phenylalanine) from Ecological 1-2 tsp.daily. Take sublingual form for best absorption. This form of protein is rapidly absorbed and assimilated by the body.
Proteolytic enzymes 2 tablets between meals on an empty stomach Aids digestion and destroys free radicals
Vitamin A 10,000 IU daily. Necessary for proper immune function.
Vitamin D 600 IU daily. Essential in calcium metabolism
Vitamin E 600 IU daily. Necessary for proper immune function.
Zinc 50 mg daily. Necessary for proper immune function.



Allergenic persons should rotate foods. (See Rotating Foods: Daily Menus inset at the end of this section.) different group of foods is eaten for each of four days and then the cycle is repeated. You can select as many of the foods allowed on a specific day as you like, but it is essential that no food be ingested more often than every four days. Omit the foods on the Food Sensitivity Questionnaire (see inset) for thirty days if you have consumed the foods four or more times per week.


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