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Vitamin Supplement Guide Encyclopedia
by Jack Ritchasonnd

Vitamins are organic substances necessary for life. We have to ingest vitamins in or with our food. As a matter of fact, the body cannot use vitamins without minerals. The food we eat is composed of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats which the body converts into energy in a form it can use. In order to do that, the body must have the proper amounts and kinds of vitamins. Balanced vitamins act like a catalyst for use of other nutrients; they are not themselves used, but they start and maintain the chemical reaction through which you burn calories and use up the fuel that feeds your body.

Most vitamins are water soluble. That is, they combine with water in the body to do their job, and then they are carried off and excreted in the urine. Most vitamins remain in your system for two-to-three hours at the longest before they are eliminated. In order to assure day long vitamin levels, water-soluble vitamins must be taken regularly-either by eating a proper diet or by taking supplemental vitamins such as found in tablet or capsule form.

The oil-soluble vitamin, A, D, and E, are needed for fat assimilation. If for some reason your diet does not include sufficient fat, the oil-soluble vitamins are available in "dry" or water-soluble form. In any case, vitamins should be taken before-not between and not in place of meals. Ideally, they should be taken with breakfast, with lunch, and with dinner, but if your schedule allows you only one time a day for vitamins, make that time with breakfast and try to use time release vitamins. Feed your body every five hours for maximum efficiency.


Try to balance your vitamins to work together. The B-complex, for example, is a group of twenty-two similar vitamins. Even though they are all distinct, none of them work as well alone as the entire group does together. They are never found singly in nature; they are always all there. Other vitamins have partners as well; it is a good idea to combine them for effectiveness.

    Vitamin A functions best with B-complex, vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc.

    Vitamin D functions best with vitamin A, vitamin C, choline, calcium, and phosphorus.

    Vitamin E functions best with B-complex, inositol, vitamin C, manganese and selenium.

    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) functions best with bioflavonoids, calcium, and magnesium.

    Folic acid (folacin) functions best with B-complex and vitamin C.

    Niacin functions best with vitamin B1, vitamin B2, B-complex and vitamin C.

    Vitamin Bl (thiamine) functions best with B-complex, vitamin; B2 folic acid, niacin, vitamin C, and vitamin E.

    Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) functions best with vitamin B6, B-complex, vitamin C, and niacin.

    Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) functions best with vitamin B1, vitamin B2, B-complex, pantothenic acid, vitamin C, and magnesium.

    Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) functions best with vitamin B6, B-complex, vitamin C, folic acid, choline, inositol, and potassium.

    Calcium functions best with vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.

    Phosphorus functions best with calcium, vitamin A, vitamin D, iron, and manganese.

    Iron functions best with vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin C, and calcium.

    Magnesium functions best with vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus.

    Zinc functions best with vitamin A, calcium, and phosphorus.



 A few vitamins may have toxic effects if taken in massive doses over a long period of time.Watch massive intake of vitamins A and D; avoid combining vitamin A with mineral oil or vitamin E with inorganic iron. Typically synthetic vitamins cause reactions. Natural vitamins, even in high doses, are reasonably safe if used wisely.


Because vitamin A is fat soluble, it requires fats as well as minerals for proper absorption in the digestive tract. The body can store vitamin A. As a matter of fact, very large daily doses of vitamin A over a period of months can produce toxic effects. The average dosage of vitamin A is 25,000 to 100,000 units depending on body stresses.

Vitamin A occurs in two forms-performed vitamin A, called retinol (found only in foods of animal origin), and provitamin A, known as beta-carotene (provided by foods of both plant and animal origin).

How much "A" is too much? According to Dr. Ray Yancey, research has showed the following: "University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine and The Simon Greenberg Foundation states: "We constantly receive inquiries regarding vitamin A-whether or not it is toxic ... 40,000 I.U.... is the same amount of vitamin A you would receive if you ate a three ounce portion of calf's liver in a restaurant. Pretty dangerous, huh? But maybe that analogy isn't scientific enough for you-so consider the following:

The University of'Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology: "In the treatment of acne vulgarls, the use of vitamin A was highly efficacious in doses of 300,000 units for women and 400,000 to 500,000 units for men. The danger of hypervitaminosis A in this dosage range has been exaggerated. Vitamin A is a valuable drug for treating stubborn, severely inflammatory acne vulgarism"

Ostwald & Briggs: "The review of Nieman and Obnbink indicates that, for adults, 1 million I.U. is a toxic dose. Chronic toxic dose for children 1 to 3 years of age was calculated to be about 100,000 I.U per day with a six month period required before toxicty occurs. It has been reported that cortisone decreases the tolerance to vitamin A and moderate amounts of vitamin E or K renders excess amounts of vitamin A harmless."

International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research: "It was determined that a three and one-half year intake of 375,000 I.U per day for a 150 lb. adult is necessary before any symptoms of vitamin A toxicity appear."

Studies have shown that vitamin A lowers the incidence of lung cancer and also that it may prove valuable for people who don't smoke, too. Vitamin A may also protect against the "secondhand" cigarette smoke that is inadvertently inhaled by nonsmokers.


In general, vitamin A serves to maintain the body's thin coverings and also it mucous membranes in various organs, systems,  and glands. Specifically, vitamin A:

Natural Sources

Green and yellow vegetables, eggs, milk and dairy products, margarine, yellow fruits, liver, fish liver oil, lemon grass


Loss of smell, birth defects, fatigue, growth, acne, dry hair, growth retardation, infections, night blindness, hyperketosis, infertility, insomnia, weight loss, dry skin, dry mouth, thickened scaly skin on the palms and soles of the feet.

BETA-CAROTENE (Provitamin A carotenoid)

Beta-carotene is the yellowish pigmented substance that colors yellow, orange or dark green vegetables and is converted in the body into vitamin A. In 1928, the research of Dr. B. Von Euler revealed the beta-carotene was the source or provitamin for vitamin A. Beta carotene is part of a family of related vital food substances named carotenoids.

Beta-carotene must be converted in the body to vitamin A. One molecule of beta-carotene can be converted by the body to two molecules of vitamin A. This is done by a special enzyme produced the body and present in the intestines where it does much of its work.

This conversion process is in one direction only: One molecule beta-carotene can be converted into two molecules of vitamin A, but vitamin A cannot be reconstructed back into beta-carotene. Bet carotene in the diet is one of the main nontoxic suppliers of vitamin A and by a special ability of the body can yield only the necessary amount as it is needed.

Your body can change the 50 or more of the carotenolds thus identified, into vitamin A. Conversion to vitamin A first must take place before the carotenoids can be used by or stored in the liver. Enzymes in the intestines divide the one beta-carotene Molecule, 1 two molecules of vitamin A, before it is absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal wall. This allows for rapid utilization of the converted vitamin A. However not all, or even a majority of the carotene is converted to vitamin A. A large portion of the beta-carotene enters the circulation and tissues intact to be utilized as carotene as necessary as is vitamin A to the functions of the body systems.

Beta-carotene is not toxic in any known amounts. Should a slight discoloration of the skin occur after taking amounts of carrot juice there is no need for alarm as this will soon disappear. This discolorati should be a welcome sign as it is evidence that the toxins or impuriti which have been clogging up the liver, are being dissolved. Often the impurities are released in such quantities that the intestinal and urina organs are unable to cope with the overflow and they are then pass into the lymph for discharge through the pores of the skin. So you h clear proof that the carrot juice is doing its valuable work. Due to i cleansing and nutritious abilities, large constantly supplied amounts beta carotene tend to cleanse the liver by way of dumping the conten of the gall bladder emptying bile rapidly into the system, a conditi often misdiagnosed as yellow'aundice, but generally harmless.

Beta-carotene is superior to vitamin A in wound healing, speedi up the healing effect. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant a known for its ability to promote the healing of other diseases includi cancer. Beta-carotene is gaining a reputation as being a strong an cancer agent. Many researchers are now saying that people who have high beta-carotene intake may have a lower risk of cancer. It aver many chemical reactions in the body that are often linked to cancer development. Carrot Juice is especially rich in beta-carotene.

Beta-carotene helps to protect the mucous membranes of the mouth, lungs, throat and nose. It also helps protect vitamin C from oxidation, which allows your vitamin C to work better.

Like vitamin A itself, beta-carotene is fat-soluble and fat storable. The body decreases the conversion of beta-carotene to vitamin A when blood levels of vitamin A are high. This is due to the body manufacturing of a special beta-carotene splitting enzyme that is the chief agent used by the body to split the carotene into two vitamin A's. In the case of a saturated amount of vitamin A, being present in body, the manufacturing of this enzyme is retarded, thus preventing the over supply of vitamin A.

Natural Sources

Yellow and orange vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkins), green leafy vegetables (spinach, broccoli, collard greens, turnip greens and peppers), and yellow and orange fruits (papayas, oranges, apricots, peaches and cantaloupes)


Atherosclerosis, breast cancer, cataracts, cervical dysplasia, colorectal cancer, hives, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, PMS, prostate cancer, psoriasis






Acidophilus is a friendly bacteria in the bowel. The flora in the bowel can determine the state of health in an individual. Acidophilus protects your colon from cancer. It is normally established at birth. You need proper amounts of acidophilus in order to aid digestion and assimilation of foods. The first acidophilus introduced in a baby is through the colostrum from the mother's milk.

Acidophilus protects us from E. coli, which causes cancer to form in the colon. Acidophilus is lost through the taking of antibiotics, excessive flushing of the colon through enemas or colonics; excessive intake of red meats which have antibiotics in them; coffee also destroys it. Antihistamines, penicillin, and sulpha drugs all destroy the friendly bacteria in the bowel. Cortisone and prednisone also destroy aciophilus in the colon. Birth control pills also destroy acidophilus.

Putrification is caused by unfriendly bacteria, and acid foods prevent putrification for many of the unfriendly bacteria cannot live in acid medium. The acidophilus bacillus has the power of fixing itself to the wall of the stomach and exerting its good influence on the contents of the stomach. What this means is the intestines are kept free for longer periods of time from harmful bacteria. We manufacture our own B-12 if we have adequate amounts of acidophilus in the bowel.

Such people as Illya Metchnikoff, professor at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, has advanced the theory that unfriendly microbes in the intestine may be responsible for premature death and disease. He believes that the intake of acidophilus can give us a long and healthy life. He says the main therapeutical effect of acidophilus lies in its ability to reduce putrification. It needs to be stressed that taking acidophilus will in no way harm the effectiveness of antibiotics. Anyone taking any kind of antibiotic for any length of time should supplement his diet with acidophilus.

To finalize, Metchnikoff felt that a man consuming acidophilus every day of his life should be able to live to 150 years of age. Disease will use up the friendly flora also. The bowel should be acid and cidophilus provides this. The ratio of bacteria in the bowel should be at least 80 percent acidophilus to 20 percent of the unfriendly bacteria. This has been found to be reversed in unhealthy people.

The Pasteur Institute in Paris, France says that man dies of one disease and it is called autointoxication (reabsorption of the poisons back into the bloodstream that the body is attempting to eliminate). Thus, we drown in our own poisonous wastes which weakens our immune system to such a point that our weakest link in our chain takes us out. Then the doctor will put on our death certificate that we died of tuberculosis, cancer and so forth.


VITAMIN B1 (Thiamine)

Vitamin B1 is necessary for the body to make full use of its carbohydrate intake. Sometimes called the "morale vitamin," B1 strengthens the nervous system and can improve mental attitude. It helps all kinds of stress, so the need for this vitamin Increases during illness, trauma, anxiety, and postsurgical periods.

Women who are pregnant, nursing, or taking birth control pills have increased needs for vitamin B1, as do smokers, drinkers, and those who consume a great deal of sugar or caffeine.

Vitamin B1 is water soluble and must be replaced daily.


necessary in treatment of beriberi, neuritis, and alcoholism

aids digestion, particularly of carbohydrates

helps fight air- or seasickness

maintains functioning of the nervous system, muscles, heart

aids in treatment of herpes zoster (shingles)

helps relieve dental postoperative pain

promotes growth

improves mental attitude

repels biting insects

helps regulate the heart

Natural sources

Whole wheat, oatmeal, peanuts, bran, most vegetables, dairy products, rice husks, dried yeast, brewer's yeast and blackstrap molasses


Anorexia, senility, confusion, constipation, coordinatation impairment, depression, labored breathing (dyspnea), GI upset, edema, fatigue, irritability, memory loss, muscle atrophy, nervousness, numbness hands and feet, pain hypersesitivity, palpitations, weakness, heart irregularity

VITAMIN B2 (Riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 helps the body digest fats, proteins, and carbohydrates and convert them into energy it can use. Riboflavin is also essential for the production of red blood cells, and antibodies. When used with vitamin A, riboflavin helps to maintain mucous membranes in the digestive tract. This vitamin is necessary for cell respiration and growth, and facilitates the use of oxygen by body tissues. This vitamin is required for any tissue repair such as burns or other injuries, and plays a vital role during conditions of physical stress such as surgery, fevers, and alcoholism. Animal studies have shown a correlation between the formation of cataracts and a lack of vitamin B2. Other symptoms of deficiency of riboflavin include cracked lips and tongue, increased sensitivity to light, and mouth lesions.

Those who may be deficient in this vitamin include people who habitually skip meals, refuse to eat liver or green vegetables, or follow a restrictive diet over a long period of time. Alcoholism may also lead to B2 deficiency. Vitamin B2 must be replaced daily.


aids in utilization of energy

helps clear up lesions of the mouth, lips, skin, genitalia benefits vision, alleviates eye fatigue, prevents twilight blindness

helps eliminate sore mouth, lips, tongue, skin, genitalia

? promotes healthy skin, nails, hair

aids in growth and reproduction

functions with other substances to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, proteins

aids in stress situations

helps eliminate dandruff

assists in the uptake of iron and vitamin B6

necessary for proper fetal development

may help prevent cataracts

may help control and treat carpal tunnel syndrome

Natural Sources

Liver, kidney, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, yeast, leafy green vegetables, brewer's yeast, blackstrap molasses, currants, avocados, nuts and beans


Alopecia, blurred vision, cataracts, depression, dermatitis, dizziness, eyes (itching, burning, red), geographic tongue, growth retardation, pancreatic atrophy


VITAMIN B3 (Niacin)

Vitamin B3 is necessary for a healthy nervous system and proper brain function. A lack of this vitamin can cause negative personality changes. Niacin has been used to treat schizophrenia and other mental disorders such as anxiety, nervousness and depression. Several studies have also suggested that it may be beneficial in the treatment of epilepsy in conjunction with anti-convulsant drugs.

Vitamin B3 is also essential for the body to produce cortisone, thyroxine, insulin, and male and female sex hormones. Vitamin B3 is a vasodilator which can increase blood flow to the extremities. In addition, studies have shown that it is effective against certain type of carcinogens and may be usefid in preventing some forms of cancer.

The body can usually produce its own vitamin B3, but only if it is receiving enough vitamins B1, B2, and B6. Alcoholics and severely malnourished individuals are prone to a vitamin B3 deficiency. B3 requirements are usually higher in individuals who have cancer, those taking oral contraceptives and anyone with a protein deficiency. The most obvious sign of a severe niacin deficiency is the disease Pellagra.

If you are taking extra vitamin B3, you may notice a flushing anditching of the skin-this is normal and should not last long. Vitamin B3 must be replaced daily.


combats pellagra, confusion, digestive difficulties, a blotched skin; relieves such symptoms as perceptual chan ("'hearing things" or "seeing things" that aren't there)

counteracts arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)

reduces cholesterol

increases circulation and reduces high blood pressure

helps prevent or make less severe migraine headaches

promotes a healthy digestive system

eliminates canker sores and improves skin's general appearan

eases some attacks of diarrhea

sometimes helps eliminate bad breath

Natural Sources

Liver, lean meat, kidney, fish, eggs, the white meat of poultry, whole wheat, yeast, wheat germ, roasted peanuts, avocados, dates, figs, prunes, potatoes, corn flour, broccoli, tomoatoes, and carrots. (When using vegetable sources this vitamin can be lost in the cooking water. Steaming, baking or stif-frying vegetables is recommended.)


Anorexia, nausea, canker sores, confusion, depression, dermatitis, diarrhea, crying jags, emotional, fatigue, halitos' (bad breath), headaches, indigestion, dyspepsia, insomnia, irritability, limb pains, memory loss, muscular weakness, skin eruptions/ eczema, diabetes, shock, allergic reactions, schizophrenia, arthritis



VITAMIN B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

Vitamin B5 is necessary in the production of various hormones. It is also used to build antibodies and to convert foods into useable energy. It helps in the production of new cells and the maintenance of normal growth and resistance to stress.

Pantothenic acid is also known as the anti-stress vitamin. It plays a key role in the formation of antibodies, the production of adrenal hormones, and the utilization of vitamins. Vitamin B5 also helps to convert fats, carbohydrates and proteins into useable energy. Pantothenic acid is required by body cells for normal growth and repair, and healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal tract relies on the presence of this vitamin. There is some evidence that vitamin B5 may also be useful in treating depression and anxiety disorders.

Some people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis have ificantly lower levels of pantothenic acid.sign In some cases, therapeutic doses of pantothenic acid have helped treat the stiffness and pain associated with arthritis.

In artificially induced deficiences, headache, fatigue, insomnia and nervouness occurred. These symptoms resulted from faulty adrenal gland function which helps the body cope with mental and physical stress. Pantothenic acid is needed for the adrenals.


strengthens adrenals
helps control hypoglycemia
aids in preventing duodenal ulcers
fights infections and disease
prevents fatigue
aids in healing wounds
speeds recovery after surgery
reduces negative effects of antibiotics
helps prevent blood and skin disorders
eases pain of arthritis

Natural Sources

Meats, kidney, heart, liver, chicken, nuts, whole grains, wheat germ, bran, Brewer's yeast, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, eggs, mushrooms, molasses, green vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, egg yolks, salt water fish


Abdominal pain, alopecia, burning feet and hands, coordination impairment, depression, headaches, vertigo, leg muscle cramps, constipation, tendency toward hypoglycemia, arthritis, eczema, faintness, fatigue, hypotension, infections, insomnia, irritability, duodenal ulcers, impairment of hydrochloric acid secretion, stress, nausea and vomiting, nervousness, tachycardia, weakness, muscle spasms


VITAMIN B6 (Pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 is primarily useful in assuring proper chemical balance in the blood and body tissues. It helps to maintain salt and water balances and is thus a natural diuretic. It is very useful in cases of edema (water retention) in the legs and certainly water retenti around the heart. It certainly is necessary for the production hydrochloric acid which is needed for digestion.

This vitamin is involved in the function of more body systems th any other vitamin, making it one of the most essential and utiliz nutrients. It is involved in the maintenance of almost all bod operations including: the metabolism of amino acids, absorption fats and proteins, the production of red blood cells, RNA, and DN and is necessary in synthesizing hydrochloric acid. In addition, activates enzymes, promotes antibody formation, and plays a signific role in cancer immunity and in the prevention of arteriosclerosis.

The nervous system depends on pyridoxine to prevent depressi irritability, dizziness and even brain abnormalities. Its presence in the body is essential for the production of serotonin, which plays a role in mood control. Recent studies have strongly suggested that vitamin may prove very useful for women who suffer from PMS. In addition, may also help to prevent oxalate kidney stones.

Those whose diets are high in protein and women who take bit control pills are likely to need extra vitamin B6. In addition, pregn or nursing mothers require more pyridoxine and several studies indicate that some women may not be getting enough. There is always a B6 defiency in carpal tunnel syndrome.


helps treat anemia
alleviates nausea, specifically morning sickness
controls cholesterol level in blood
reduces muscle spasms, particularly cramps and numbness which occur at night
promotes healthy skin, teeth, muscles, and nerves
helps prevent kidney and gallstones
builds resistance to ear infections
eases air- and seasickness
aids digestion
helps lessen symptoms of PMS
may be useful in treating carpal tunnel syndrome
helps combat depression and other mental disorders

Natural Sources

Lean organ meats, liver, kidney, heart, milk, eggs, soybeans, nuts, yeast, wheat bran, wheat germ, cantaloupe, bananas, molasses, and peppers, salmon, cod


Acne, alopecia, anemia, anorexia and nausea, arthritis conjunctivitis, depression, dizziness, facial oiliness, fatigue, geographic tongue, mouth disorders, skin conditions, carpal tunnel syndrome adrenal gland exhaustion, edema, hormonal imbalances, muscle pain confusion, greenish tint to urine, joint swelling, menstrual and menopausal problems, kidney stones, impaired wound healing, stunted growth, weakness

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)

Vitamin B12 is actually a coenzyme that is necessary to metabolize fats and carbohydrates. Pernicious anemia is the most classic symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 also assists in the proper digestion and absorption of foods. This vitamin also helps to prevent nerve damage, and promotes normal growth. Recent studies suggested a possible link between dementia and low blood levels of vitamin B12. In addition, when this vitamin is combined ascorbic acid, it has been shown to inhibit the formation of malig cells in laboratory tests.

Vegetarians risk deficiency in vitamin B12 and so should supplement their diets with this vitamin. Women who are pregnant or nursing also benefit from additional B12. Anyone who suffers from any gastrointestinal disorder or uses nicotine may also suffer from a lack of vitamin B12. Elderly people sometime suffer from malabsorption which can also cause a lack of B12. Anti-gout medications, anticoagulant drugs and even potassium may block the assimilation of vitamin B12 in the digestive tract. Deficiency symptoms include: memory loss, hallucinations, eye disorders, acne and digestive impairment.

Because it is sometimes difficult for the body to absorb B12, it should be combined with calcium. This vitamin is not stable if exposed to heat, acid or light, therefore, care is required during cooking and storage of foods.
    Vitamin B12 is effective in very small doses.


prevents anemia

helps ease asthma

promotes growth and increases appetite in children

prevents eye damage, particularly from smoke or pollution

increases energy

relieves irritability

maintains nervous system

aids digestion

helps improve concentration, memory, and balance

a lack of this vitamin may be linked with dementia

may be useful in combating depression and psychosis


Natural Sources

Liver, kidney, beef, saltwater fish, oysters, eggs, dairy products, lamb, clams, sardines, and tofu


Achlorhydria, anemia, birth defects, constipation, brain damage, nervous disorders, lethargy, body odor, impairs function of small intestine, blood platelet function is impaired, allergies, insomnia, menstrual disturbances, apathy, weight loss, depression, dizziness, dyspnea (labored breathing), fatigue, GI upset, geographic tongue, headache, irritability, moodiness, numbness, palpitations, psychosis, spinal cord degeneration


VITAMIN B 13 (Orotic Acid)

Very little research has yet been done on vitamin B13. Studies have found that orotic acid may be useful in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. In addition, it is believed that vitamin B13 may also facilitate the use of folic acid and vitamin B12. Properties of this vitamin make it beneficial for nervous system health and efficient functioning of the brain. A deficiency of this vitamin is thought to lead to liver disorders, cell degeneration and premature aging. Water and sunlight can deplete vitamin B13 stores. It is not currently available in the United States, but it can be obtained in Europe.


possible prevents some liver problems

aids in treatment of multiple sclerosis

helps prevent premature aging

helps promote efficient brain and nervous system function

retards cell degeneration

Natural Sources

Root vegetables (carrots, potatoes, turnips, etc.), whey, liquid from curdled milk, yogurt, and some fruits


VITAMIN B15 (Pangamic Acid)

The essential requirement for vitamin B15 has not been proved. It is enthusiastically used in Russia, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has given some resistance to its sale in States. Pangamic acid helps to improve the body's ability to use oxygen by improving blood circulation. It also plays a role in the metabolism of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Vitamin B15 also stimulates the glandular and nervous systems and is believed to premature aging. It also helps in stabilizing nervous disorders. In addition, it keeps fat particles from accumulating in promotes tissue healing, helps to protect against carbon monoxide poisoning and other carcinogenic pollutants. Some studies have shown that Vitamin B15 acts as a preventative substance against cancer. Using alcohol, coffee and laxatives can deplete vitamin B15 stores.

Some people become slightly nauseated for a little starting to take B15, but this usually lasts only a few days. Taking the vitamin after the day's largest meal helps ease this nausea.

B15 acts more effectively if taken together with vitamins A and E. Russians recommend taking 50 mg. three times a day for 90 days, cutting back then to one a day.


stops the craving for alcohol

speeds recovery from fatigue

extends cell life span

protects against pollutants

helps lower cholesterol level

aids in protein synthesis

increases immunity to infections

relieves symptoms of angina and asthma

helps prevent cirrhosis

aids in easing hangovers

helps control high blood pressure

aids in treating hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver

eases headaches

mental disorders

Natural Sources

Whole grains, whole brown rice, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, Brewer's yeast, liver, sunflower seeds, and apricot kernels


Premature aging, diminished cell oxygenation, asthma, neuritis, emphysema, liver diseases, fatigue, glaucoma, angina, hypertension, autism, schizophrenia, heart disease, glandular and nervous disorders

Vitamin B17 (Laetrile)

Vitamin B17 is very controversial. It has been rejected by the Food and Drug Administration, and its use in cancer treatment is legal only in part of the United States. It contains natural cyan (benzaidehyde) which is believed to kill cancer cells. It is because of this cyanide content that laetrile has been banned by the FDA. Regardless of its current standing, there is a significant number of health care providers that still advocate that laetrile does indeed help to prevent and control cancer. They believe that laetrile literally poisons malignant cells without damaging healthy tissue. Laetrile was also found to increase appetite and decrease pain in cancer patients, therefore improving their overall outlook and enabling them to gain weight. Laetrile also stimulates the production of hemoglobin, thus boosting red blood cell count. It has been produced commercially in Germany. Massive doses of B17 should never be taken all at once. It is better to take small doses at different times during the day. It is recommended to take in addition to B17 large doses of vitamin A (in emulsion form) and large doses of enzymes. Excessive amounts of this vitamin can be dangerous. The use of alcohol and coffee deplete vitamin B17 stores.


may aid in preventing or controlling some cancers
may help to control sickle-cell anemia

Natural Sources

The pits of apricots, cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines, almonds, peas, broad beans, papayas, alfalfa seeds, alfalfa leaves, sorghum, millet, buckwheat and various types of seeds


A lack of this nutrient is thought by many scientists to cause cancer.

Vitamin B Factors (Inositol)

Inositol is a nutrient which we are able to synthesize in our bodies. As a result, inositol is not considered an essential vitamin, nevertheless, its value should not be minimized. Inositol is involved in the body's use of fats and cholesterol and is needed for the proper transports and metabolism of fats. In laboratory studies, inositol has been shown to prevent or lessen the build up of abnormal amounts of fats in liver. Inositol may also have been required to produce phospholipids which are necessary for the digestion and absorption of fats and efficient uptake of fatty acids by the cells. Inositol is also believed to reduce blood levels of cholesterol by assisting in the production lecithin. It also helps to stimulate the normal growth of cells in bone marrow and eye membranes.

Inositol seems to be most effective when taken together with other vitamins, particularly vitamin E, choline, and biotin.

Inositol appears to be important in the proper function of heart, eyes, and brain. Ingesting large amounts of caffeine, alcohol, water and taking sulfa drugs deplete inositol stores in the body. In addition, prolonged exposure to certain insect poisons may cause a shortage of this nutrient.


prevents eczema

promotes healthy hair and helps prevent hair loss

regulates cholesterol levels and aids in treatment o arthersclerosis

aids in redistribution of body fat

builds resistance to cirrhosis of the liver

helps in treatment of nerve damage from some types of muscular dystrophy

counteracts negative effects of caffeine


helps to prevent glaucoma

combats gaft bladder disease

works to prevent and treat obesity

produces a gradual lowering of blood pressure in mild hypertension

is a sedative-is used in problems of sleep including insomnia

is known as nature's anxiety fighter

Natural Sources

Organ meats (liver, heart, brains), peanuts, dried lima beans, yeast, molasses, corn, nuts, wheat germ, raisins, cantaloupe, grapefruit, cabbage, oranges, soybeans, sesame seeds, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, brewer's yeast and lecithin


Alopecia, porr appetite, constipation, eczema, hypercholesterolemia, cardiovascular disease, insomnia, nephritis, anxiety, stress, fatty liver, dermatitis


Choline is used by the body to produce acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter found in the brain. It is vital that an adequate supply of choline is found in the body in order to maintain healthy nerve function. Choline is also necessary for proper gallbladder regulation, liver function and lecithin formation. Like inositol, it also helps to reduce the accumulation of excess fats in the liver and participates in fat and cholesterol regulation.

Choline has also been found to strengthen weak capillaries an help to prevent the formation of gallstones. It is vital to the proper digestion of fatty foods and is needed for the storage of mine especially calcium and vitamin A.

Choline is necessary in liver development and in maintaining the functions of both liver and kidney.

It is also required in the thin covering of nerve fibers-a deficiency of choline and can damage the nerves and so impair body functions. It has been shown that a deficit of choline may play a role in the development of certain neurologic disorders such as Huntington's chorea, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Lecithin, a natural source of choline, has been used to successfully treat cases of tardive dyskinesia a condition characterized by uncontrolled facial twitches Taking estrogen, sulfa drugs, alcohol, and excessive sugar and water deplete choline in the body.


helps control cholesterol

sustains healthy nerves, kidneys, liver

maintains muscles

helps control blood pressure

aids those nerve impulses that effect memory

assists liver in eliminating poisons from the blood

helps to treat hepatitis

may be useful in preventing or decreasing attacks of multiple sclerosis

plays a role in preventing arteriosclerosis and heart trouble

may help to prevent Alzheinier's disease, Huntington's chorea and Parkinson's disease

Natural Sources

Organ meats, egg yolks, yeast, wheat germ, peanuts or peanut butter, green leafy vegetables, rice bran, various seeds, soybeans, liver, peas, brewer's yeast, lecithin, and turnip greens, and fish


Cirrhosis of the liver, hemorrhages of the kidneys, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, eczema, hypertension, muscular weakness, loss of memory, bleeding stomach ulcers, heart palpitations, dizziness, headaches, cardiac symptoms, growth retardation, myasthenia gravis and other neurological diseases


Folic acid works with vitamin B12 in the body and is crucial for the proper metabolism of amino acids and the production of proteins. It is vital for the normal synthesis of RNA and DNA which determines the healthy division of cells and regeneration of body tissues. For this reason, the requirement of folic acid is dramatically increased during illness, injury or after surgery.

Folic acid is also considered a brain food and is needed to produce and maintain certain brain chemicals that can determine mood changes and mental health. In some cases, folic acid has been effective in the treatment of uterine cervical conditions that are considered precancerous.

In addition, folic acid helps to regulate fetal development of nerve cells and is vital for the normal growth and development of the fetus.

Folic acid is most effective when taken with vitamin B 12. In turn, it is necessary for the full effectiveness of vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Those who should increase their folic acid intake include people who take large doses of vitamin C, women who are pregnant (Particularly just before delivery) or nursing, women who take birth control pills, and person who drink alcoholic beverages. Other drugs that have been shown to increase the body's requirement of folic acid are: aspirin, nitrous oxide, anticonvulsants, diuretics and sulfasalazine used to treat bowel disorders. Classic symptoms that a deficiency of folic acid exists include: mutated red blood cell anemia, irritability, insomnia, weakness and pallor. Sixty-eight percent of folic acid is lost when wheat is processed into white flour.


helps prevent anemia
improves lactation
aids in reducing pain
protects against intestinal parasites and food poisoning
sometimes helps delay the graying of hair (when used with pantothenic acid and PABA)
increases appetite in those who are run down
promotes healthy-looking skin
helps prevent canker sores
aids in atherosclerosis
may help treat depression and other mental disorders
may delay the growth of precancerous cell in the female cervix
helps prevent birth defects such as spina bifida

Natural Sources

Liver, egg yolks, yeast, bran, avocados, pumpkins, cantaloupe, apricots, brewer's yeast, whole wheat, dark rye flour, deep green leaf vegetables, carrots, fresh mushrooms, sprouts, yogurt, and soybeans


Anemia, anorexia, apathy, birth defects, (spina bifida, hydroencephalocoele), GI upsets/diarrhea, dyspepsia, chronic fatigue, geographic tongue, atherosclerosis, gout, slow development or poor learning ability, psoriasis, growth retardation, headache, insomnia, memory loss, paranoia, vitiligo, weakness, headaches


VITAMIN C (Ascorbic Acid)

Vitamin C plays a significant role in several key functions of the body. Its importance to the proper functioning of the immune system cannot be overestimated. Over the last few years, studies have confirmed that vitamin C helps to increase resistance to infection diseases including cancer. Increased dosages of vitamin C have been found to stimulate the production of white blood cells which fight off bacterial and viral invaders in the body.

Vitamin C is also considered an antioxidant that is vital to tissue growth and repair, adrenal gland function and the maintenance of healthy gums. Another important role of vitamin C concerns its ability to help cope with all kinds of physical and mental stressors. In addition, this vitamin plays a primary role in the formation of collagen which is essential to healthy bones and teeth.

Vitamin C is essential for the body to produce collagen, which is the substance that bonds cells together. Maintaining vitamin C in your body therefore helps preserve and mend the connective tissues (tendons and cartilage - including the cartilage between spinal discs), bones, muscles, and blood vessels. Vitamin C also helps to protect against the harmful effects of pollution, bruising and blood clotting. It promotes tissue healing and assists in interferon production. Its presence is required for the metabolism of folic acid, tyrosine and phenylaianine.

There is growing evidence that vitamin C and vitamin E work together more effectively when combined in extending antioxidant activity. While vitamin C is not considered a cure for colds, taking it at the onset of symptoms can make the cold substantially milder. Vitamin C can also act to help prevent high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries which can lead to heart attack or stroke.

Vitamin C also helps the body use iron. Dr. Linus Pauling, two time Nobel prize winner, has documented curing cancer in fifty seven cases considered to be incurable. He used vitamin C in the amounts of 10 to 30,000 milligrams a day in these individuals to achieve success.

You need extra vitamin C if you:


take aspirin often.

live or work in a city or other environment with carbon monoxide in the air.

take birth control pills

Vitamin C must be replaced daily. The body cannot manufacture vitamin C, therefore it must be obtained through certain foods or supplements. Most vitamin C is lost in the urine. Ester C is a new form of the vitamin that enters the tissues at a much faster rate and may be more useful for persons suffering from chronic infections such as cancer and AIDS. Vitamin C is unquestionably a marvelous nutrient and unfortunately, most of us are at a high risk of not getting the amounts we need. The addition of bioflavonoids to vitamin in all regards. Natural sources of vitamin C are preferable.


prevents scurvy

helps prevent or make less severe the common cold

promotes healing of wounds, burns, and bone fractures

increases resistance to infections, fatigue, and low temper

aids in prevention of internal bleeding

helps guard against anemia

maintains solid bones and teeth

promotes healthy gums

helps relieve back problems and related discomforts

acts as a mild diuretic

helps body meet various stresses

encourages healing after surgery

aids in decreasing cholesterol level in the blood

reduces discomforts of allergies

gives a high resistance to cancer

fights also against cataracts, cystitis, pyorrhea, aging, diabetes, and gallstones


Natural Sources

Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, tomatoes), fresh fruits and vegetables, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, berries, cantaloupe, potatoes, acerola cherry juice, black currants, horseradish, raw red and green peppers, and rose hips.


Bleeding gums/loose teeth, depression, tiredness, easy bruising, irritability, joint pain, impaired wound healing.

Vitamin D

    Vitamin D in some respects isn ot considered to be a true vitamin in that in its active form it is considered a hormone and our bodies can synthesize it from sunlight.
    Vitamin D is necessary for the body to build calcium in the bones. It is also required to release the calcium for the body's use. Because of this, vitamin D deficiency is usually related to calcium deficiency conditions. Vitamin D plays a vital role in helping to prevent osteoporosis, rickets, hypocalcemia and immune system deficiencies. When the body is low on vitamin D, the bones can become brittle or deformed, the teeth underdeveloped and overall growth can be stunted in children. Calcium and magnesium should always be given along with vitamin D to help the body maintain bone mass whih is often lost in post menopausal women.
    Recent studies have shown that vitamin D, when taken with calcium, may offer some anticancer properties. In addition, a lack of this vitamin can predispose some people to high blood pressure. In some instances, therapeutic doses of vitamin D have proven beneficial in treating psoriasis and mood disorders. It also may improve muscle strength and stamina.
    We can receive vitamin D directly from the sunshine as well as through diet. Those whose clothing, environment, or work schedules limit their exposure to the sun should probably increase the vitamin D in their diets. It should be noted that once a suntan is established, the skin no longer absorbs vitamin D from the sun. Ingesting mineral oil, exposure to smog, the use of barbiturates, steroids, sleeping pills and some anticonvulsants can deplete vitamin D in the body.
    Women who are pregnant or nursing need extra vitamin D, as do children who are still growing.


prevents rickets
helps prevent osteomalacia and some irregulatirites in heartbeat
builds strong bones and teeth
aids in producing blood plasma
is effective in treatment of keratoconous
relieves chronic conjunctivitis
prevents colds when taken with vitamins A and C
helps body use calcium, phosphorus and vitamin A
may help treat psoriasis
helps to build muscle strength
is useful in the treatment of acne

Natural Sources

Dairy products, ultraviolet sun rays, egg yolk, fish liver oils, sardines, herring, salmon, tuna, and spinach


Burning in the mouth and throat, osteomalacia, rickets, nervousness, myopia, insomnia, diarrhea, fragile and broken bones, osteoporosis, constipation, cramps, fatigue, arthritis, kidney diseases, poor bone and tooth formation

Vitamin E

Vitamin E, like vitamin C is also considered an antioxidant. In this regard it is thought to help prevent cancer and heart disease. Recent studies suggest that vitamin E may play a vital role in the biological functions that relate to the aging process. There is some evidence that this vitamin may slow down aging by prolonging the life span of cells in the body.
    Vitamin E also improves circulation, tissue regeneration and is useful in treating fibrocystic disease of the breasts and PMS. This vitamin also promotes healing and reduces scarring, assits in reducing blood pressure and may help to prevent cataracts.
    The presence of vitamin E may also help to protect the body from a variety of carcinogens and toxins including, mercury, lead, benzene, nitrites, cigarette smoke and polluted air. In addition, there is evidence to support that taking vitamin E can help minimize the toxic effect of anyone undergoing cancer chemotherapy.
    There is also data that indicates that vitamin E has the capability of increasing HDL cholesterol levels which is a form of cholesterol that actually protects the body against heart disease.
    Vitamin E acts to control the unsaturated fatty acids in the body; it affects virtually all body tissues. Vitamin E is more potent when taken together with selenium. Vitamin E boosts the action of vitamin A.
    Those who drink chlorinated water and women who are pregnant, nursing, taking birth control pills, or going through the menopause need extra vitamin E.
    In Europe, tests were done with human beings and animals and it was found that if vitamin E is taken away from the human being completely, reproduction would stop. This vitamin E is considered a necessity for having good healthy children. There are also studies done in Canada showing that 400 IU of vitamin E taken daily lowered cardiac risks by more than 50 percent. Athletes have taken vitamin E for years to increase their endurance.
    Vitamin E may be applied directly in treatment of wounds or other skin disorders.
    Vitamin E should be replaced regularly. The body needs zinc in order to ensure proper levels of ivtamin E in the bloodstream. Vitamin E deficiency symptoms include anemia, neurological disturbances, and capillaries that break easily.


strengthens and protects reproductive, muscular, circulatory, skeletal, and nervous system
improves circulation
helps prevent arteriosclerosis and blood clots
useful in treating gangrene, nephritis, rheumatic fever, purpura, retinitis, diabetes mellitus, congenital heart disease, phlebitis
prevents or lessens scar tissue, both internal and external, and so is helpful after surgery or heart attack
aids healing of wounds, burns, chronic ulcers, and some skin diseases
protects respiratory system from pollution
increases fertility
prevents premature aging
improves endurance
acts as mild diuretic (and may therefore lower blood pressure)
helps prevent miscarriage
counteracts fatigue
strengthens heart
carries oxygen
goes straight to placenta

Natural Sources

Wheat germ, vegetable oils, peanuts, whole-grain cereals, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, spinach, eggs, peas, corn, dessicated liver, organ meats, brown rice and sweet potatoes


RBC fragility, gait disturbances, infertility, dermatitis, alopecia, malabsorption, muscular dystrophy, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, ruptured blood vessels, anemia,a angina pectoris, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, fat deposits in the muscle, shrinkage of connective tissue

Vitamin F (Unsaturated Essential Fatty Acids)

   Fatty degeneration diseases today kill over 75 percent of the people living in the affluent, industrialized nations before they reach 70 years of age. To get at the root of the problem, we must investigate the supply of fatty foods and their sources, availability and benefits as utilizable health sustaining providers of proper nutrient. We need to best sustain them in regard to fatty foods and their enhancement of good health so as to avoid fatty degenerative diseases.
    We find that there are two Essential fatty acids. Essential meaning that these fatty acids are essential to life and are not manufactured by the body from any substance or substances and must be provided to our bodies in our foods. The names of these two fatty acids are linoleic acid and linoleic acid. Another name is vitamin F.
    EFAs function is to strength cell membranes and promote the growth of muscles and bones. Therepeutically, they are used to thin the blood, inhibit clotting and improve cholesterol profiles. These essential fatty acids can aid in the prevention of heart disease if provided in sufficient quantities and quality. EFAs are anti-inflammatory and useful in the treatment of arthritis, allergies and asthma. Essential fatty acids are also known as unsaturated fatty acids.
    Unsaturated fatty acids are vital in lowering blood pressure, controlling cholesterol levels and in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Essential fatty acids are vital for maintaining normal function of the adrenal and thyroid glands, for proper blood coagulation and for healthy hair and skin cells.
    Vitamin F stimulates the conversion of carotene into vitamin A and provides protection against the harmful effects of X-rays. Essential fatty acids play a vital part in the necessary utilization of fats by the body. The unsaturated fatty acids, by providing the body with fats in a form which can be used, aids in burning up the saturated fats. Of the two essential fatty acids, Linolenic and Linoleic acid, Linoleic is the most essential.
    Flaxseed oil ocntains both essential fatty acids in large quantities and has an abundance of the more rare linolenic acid. It also has anti-estrogen activity derived from its fiber, called lignins. Urine of vegetarian women have an above normal supply of lignins and thus have a reduced risk of developing breast cancer. The contents of stabilized flaxseed is higher in lignin's than in any other food  with buckwheat and wheat following and vegetables containing the smallest amount. Dr. Budwig, the world's leading expert on the therapeutic uses of flax oil, uses it with good success for enemas in cases of colon cancer and bowel obstructions. Flaxseed oil has the highest content, twice as much Omega-3 as fish oil. Linseed oil as used in paint is made from flaxseed but as processed and stored is rancid and poison to humans. It is estimated that over 80 percent of the United State's population probably has an Omega-3 deficiency. Omega-3 is known to naturally thin the blood thus making unnecessary the use of aspirin as a blood thinner in potential heart problems and will aid in cleaning out the heart and other blood vessels that clogged arteries commonly found in those who partake of the usual bill of fair on our tables from food provided in our food markets. blood clots can cause heart attacks and strokes, but carefully extracted and stored flaxseed oil prevents blood clotting by reducing blood platelets from clumping.
    The three essential fatty acids are 1) Alpha linolenic Acid (Omega 3), 2) Linoleic Acid (Omega 6) and 3) Oleic Acid (Omega 9). Some of the functions performed by these essential fattya cids include:

1. Metabolism of cholesterol and triglycerides

2. Cell membrane formation

3. Energy production

4. Normal brain development and function (specific to Omega 3)

5. Involved in the function of the immune system

    In 1899, Rosenfeld demonstrated that the consumption of animal fats (high in saturated and low in the essential fatty acids) causes obesity and fatty degeneration of thei nner organs. In 1902, Rosenfeld showed that a high carbohydrate, high protein diet. However, when essential fatty acids containing fats are added, less fat depositions ocurs with better food utilization and energy production taking place. Fats high in essential fatty acids help one stay slim.
    Essential fatty acids increase the metabolic rate, helping to mobilize and burn excess saturated fats. This is vital to improved health and the prevention of conditions caused by obstructed blood passages.
    With the sufficient intake of essential fatty acids, one of its role in loosing excess fat is in the loss of the craving for more food which results when the body's need for essential fatty acids is satisfied. The hunger mechanism is set up to shut off only when the nutrient needs of the body are fulfilled. A diet lacking in essential substance leads to continuing hunger, overeating and weight gain.


(Obvious sources: margarine, shortening, butter, refined vegetable oils, hidden fats (hamburgers, cheese-except low-fat cheeses, salad dressings, potato chips, fried foods)


(catsup, ice cream, canned vegetables which are sweetened, macaroni, pastas, enriched flours, noodles)

(Example: One month on a strictly vegetarian diet (no meat, no eggs, no dairy) can bring down the blood cholesterol level from 260 mg. to 160 mg. The average blood cholesterol level of a heart attack patient is 244 mg.).

(Fiber such as apples, potatoes, beets, carrots, okra, bananas and oats carry bile acids anc cholesterol out of the body. Several vitamins and minerals are required to protect the essential fatty acids from destruction by oxygen and free radicals. vitamins A/beta carotene, C and E with selenium and the minerals zinc, B-complex, chromium, a high potency vitamin/mineral supplement, but add extra vitamin C and E).

(Avoid hydrogenated oil products like shortenings, margarines, bakery products, candies, fries, deep-fried foods and processed convenience foods. Use raw seeds and nuts whih are the prime choice for health-giving fats and oils).

(Avoid the man-made, highly processed, artifically colored and flavored foods and return to fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and seeds and the wild meats (especially fish).

(We need exercise. The body is made for activity. Lack of exercise results in stagnation and poor metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. If our only exercise is the grinding movement of the jaws, the movement of our hands from plate to mouth, and the push away from the table, that's not enough. Regular activity is extermely important for the maintenance of health).

As a caution, it should be known that both linoleic and Linolenic acid are sensitive to destruction by light, oxygen and high temperatures and their absence in the system is fatal, Severe problems are caused the deficiency of essential oils in every cell, tissue and organ and related to degenerative diseases,

It must be remembered to take vitamin E with vitamin F for b absorption in the system. Linoleic acid utilization requires niacin, B vitamin C, zinc and magnesium to work efficiently.

Essential fatty acids absorb sunlight through the skin. T absorption of light energy increases their ability to react with oxygen about 1,000 fold, and makes them chemically very active. Essential fatty acids attract oxygen.

Essential fatty acids due to their negative charges, are responsible for a number of activities vital to life. Molecules repel each other d to this charge, they spread out in a very thin layer over surfaces, and not form aggregations (a clustering or coming together of substance i.e., clumping together of blood cells, especially platelets or red cell Surface activity provides the power in the biological system, to ca toxins substances to the surface of the skin, intestinal tract, kidneys, lungs where these substances are discarded.

Essential fatty acids help in maintaining a uniform healthy body temperature.

Essential fatty acids are necessary for maintaining the insulation nerves, the use of fat in cushioning and protecting tissues and the creation of stored energy.

Essential fatty acids are precursors of prostaglandin's, which must be present for dilating blood vessels and in the healthy regulation of arterial pressure, metabolizing cholesterol, activating Tlymphocytes, protecting against platelet aggregation, controlling abnormal cell proliferation, and other functions.


prevents eczema and acne

Aids in weight reduction

helps control cholesterol levels

encourages healthy hair and skin

Provides some protection against negative effects of x-rays

Helps to control psoriasis

Aids in the prevention of arthritis

May reduce the growth rate of breast cancer

Encourages normal blood clotting

Helps ensure proper brain function

Oil of Evening Primrose contains 72 percent linoleic acid. Linoleic acid is the major essential fatty acid with Oil of Evening Primrose containing only small amounts of the non-essential fatty acids. Oil of Evening Primrose contains 9 percent gamma linolenic acid, present in only a limited number of other plant seeds. The other main source of GLA is human mother's milk present in sufficient amounts when the mother has sufficient intake of foods containing GLA. GLA is the first product in the chain of biochemical functions for the vital transformation of the main essential fatty acid, linoleic acid into Prostaglandins.

Black currant oil is higher in the level of GLA than that found in Evening Primrose Oil.

Black currant oil is a rich source of vitamin C, B and rutin.

Black currant seed oil provides essential fatty acids and is high in Prostaglandins. It is the highest source of gamma-linolenic acid. It stimulates the immune response and has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties.

Zinc is absolutely necessary, for the conversion of linoleic acid gamma-linoleic acid,

Zinc, Vitamin C, vitamins B3 (niacin) and pyroxidine (B6) at factors in the body’s conversion of GLA to prostaglandin.

A functional deficiency of essential fatty acids has been premenstrual to cause abnormal sensitivity to prolactin and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).


There are some fish oils which, when taken on a regular basis promotes clean arteries and the absence of fatty degeneration diseases EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) is a normal constituent of special human tissues, such as brain cells, synapses (nerve relay stations), retina, in ear, adrenals and sex glands-the active tissues of the body.

EPA can be manufactured by the healthy human body, albeit slowly, from the essential fatty acid, linolenic acid, which is found flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, soybeans- and walnuts. However, ma degenerative conditions impair the body's ability to make EPA. F oils, being highly unsaturated, will not aggregate, so it will h disperse aggregations of the saturated fatty acids, which like to stick together. Thus EPA keeps deposits of saturated fatty acids a cholesterol from glueing up our arteries and platelets from becoming sticky which can then lower blood pressure by 10 points.

EPA is also important because it is the fatty acid out of which


Lecithin is vital to the function of every living cell in the body. The composition of cell membranes is largely made up of lecithin. Lecithin is crucial to protect cells from the damage which results from oxidation. Lecithin helps to regulate the metabolism of fat and cholesterol and significantly prevents it from sticking to artery walls. It functions to disperse and remove fats from the body. For this reason, it is vital that elderly people get adequate supplies of this nutrient to prevent arteriosclerosis. In addition, lecithin helps to fight infections by increasing cell resistance to infection. It also increases brain function, promotes energy and can help to repair liver damage caused by alcoholism.

Lecithin also offers some promise for victims of chronic viral disorders such as herpes or AIDS and immune disorders associated with aging. Lecithin also facilitates the absorption of thiamine by the liver and vitamin A in the intestines. Taking lecithin before eating can help to absorb fat-soluble vitamins and to more efficiently digest fats. Unquestionably, all vital organs and arteries benefit from the inclusion of lecithin in the diet. All the nerve endings in the body, including the spinal column are bathed in a solution of lecithin. For instance, the patient who dies of multiple sclerosis, they find that the myelin sheath is destroyed and the nerve endings are frayed, but they find no lecithin in all the nerve endings that are supposed to be bathed in a solution of lecithin. There are some men who have what they call a dry ejaculation which is very painful. The sperm is carried in a solution of lecithin and if lecithin is taken, generally this problem of dry ejaculation is taken care of Sciatic nerve problems can be relieved generally by taking up to 25 lecithin capsules a day. Recurring of hemorrhoidal problems is caused by a deficiency of lecithin. Women who take lecithin during pregnancy have their cells hold their elasticity, thus returning to their original shape much easier after delivery.

Lecithin becomes rancid very easily and should be kept refrigerated at all times. If it becomes rancid, it can do more harm than good. One of the safest ways of taking lecithin is in the form of gelatin capsules as they have been hermetically sealed, giving extra protection against the problem of rancidity.


  breaks down fat and cholesterol
brain food
        lowers blood pressure
increases gamma globulin in the blood
helps fight infection
skin disturbances such as eczema, acne and psoriasis
softens aging skin
natural tranquilizer
sexual aid
helpful in weight loss
helpful in assimilation of vitamins A and E
        Combination of vitamin E and Lecithin found useful in lowering the requirements of insulin in          diabetics

Natural Sources

Major sources of Lecithin are soybeans, though traces are also found in all vegetable oils, such as corn and wheat germ oil. Soybean is most desirable because ofi ts high protein content and availability.


Nerve degeneration, cholesterol problems, and chronic viral disorders, herpes, AIDS, immune disorders, aging, atherosclerosis

 Vitamin H (Biotin)

Biotin is an important coenzyme that is technically not a t vitamin because it is produced in the body by intestinal bacteria. Biotin contributes to cell growth, fatty acid synthesis, and in the proper utilization of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. It also helps to ensure that B-complex vitamins are assimilated properly.

Adequate quantities of biotin or vitamin H are necessary healthy hair and skin. In some men, biotin is believed to prevent slow baldness. Vitamin H also promotes healthy nerve tissue, b marrow and sweat glands and all other secreting glands. This nutrient is also involved in male sex hormone production, and in fatty acid functions.

Vitamin H helps the liver produce lipids (fats) and promotes the conversion of food into energy. Vitamin H is necessary to utilize vitamin C. Raw egg whites counteract vitamin H, so those who eat or drink mixtures containing raw egg should increase their vitamin H. True deficiencies of biotin are rare because it is produced in the body, however if a malfunction occurs, symptoms include: dermatitis, hair loss, nausea, decreased appetite, high blood cholesterol and depression. Symptoms of a biotin deficiency mimic those of Alzheimer’s disease in some cases. Some people who require dialysis may need extra supplements of biotin or vitamin H. Consuming rancid fats or saccharin may inhibit the absorption of biotin. The use of sulfa drugs or other antibiotics may interfere in the availability of biotin to body cells. There is no RDA for biotin at this time.


                            helps prevent eczema

eases muscle pain

aids metabolism

helps prevent baldness and graying of hair

builds resistance to some allergies

alleviates or prevents exhaustion

                    contribute to proper production of male sex hormone

            promotes efficient assimilation of B-complex vitamins

                contributes to health of all secreting glands

Natural Sources

Green leafy vegetables, nuts, fruits, unrefined rice, egg yolks, liver, kidney, milk, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, sprouts, molasses, yogurt, chicken, lamb, pork, salt water fish and rice bran


Gray skin color, sore tongue, depression, anorexia, insomnia, anemia, muscle pain, impairment of fat metabolism, nausea, lethargy, baldness and gray hair, x7ema, dry skin, fatigue, nervous system disturbances, dermatitis


Vitamin K is found in foods but because it is a bacteria in the intestines, it is not considered a vitamin in the strict sense of the word. The most important function of vitamin K is the role it plays in the synthesis of blood clotting factors (prothrombin) Interestingly, the way that many rodent poisons counteracting the effects of vitamin K, causing uncontrolled Several recent studies have also linked this vitami prevention of osteoporosts. People who have unusually I vitamin K may be susceptible to developing osteoporosis. also influential in affecting behavior and helps to protect the liver from toxins such as lead. It is required to some degree carbohydrates into glucose.

Deficiencies of vitamin K are rare since it is found in a number of foods and is readily made in the body. If a bowel obstruction or malabsorption exists, stores of the vitamin can become depleted. Frequently, vitamin K is administered to people with blood clotting disorders prior to surgery. When combined with vitamin effective in helping to prevent hemorrhage. Taking antibiotics interferes with the absorption of vitamin K.

Besides its uses in the human body, vitamin K works as an excellent preservative for food. It does not alter the taste or appearance of the food it preserves.


helps prevent colitis

promotes adequate blood clotting

                  reduces susceptibility to nose bleeds

                            works to counteract nausea in pregnant women

reduces excessive menstrual flow

prevents internal hemorrhaging

         works to minimize bruising

                            may play a role in controlling erratic behavior

 Natural Sources

 Yogurt, green leafy vegetables, root vegetables (carrots, potatoes, turnips), alfalfa, safflower oil, soybean oil, kelp, egg yolks, liver, legumes, blackstrap molasses, and sprouts


Delayed blood clotting, internal bleeding, subcutaneous hemorrhages, osteoporosis

Vitamin P (Bioflavonoids)

Technically bioflavonoids are not vitamins although they sometimes referred to as vitamin P. They are now accepted antioxidants and are naturally found in the white portion of the peeling of citrus fruits. Bioflavonoids enhance the absorption of vitamin C should be taken together. In addition, bioflavonoids strengthen capillary walls which can prevent varicose veins, bruising hemorrhages. Bioflavonoids are routinely used for athletic injuries to prevent bruising and the formation of bumps.

Bioflavonoids have been found to also have antibiotic-like le Because they have a powerful anti-inflammatory capability, they be useful in the treatment of arthritis, Some studies have suggested that when taken with vitamin C, bioflavonoids reduce the symptoms of oral herpes. In both humans and animals, bioflavonoids were show counteract cataract formation.

Bromelain and quercetin are bioflavonoids that have been the treatment of asthma and allergies. The body cannot p bioflavonoids and it must be supplied in dietary forms. Smoking, ingesting aspirin, alcohol, cortisone, and antibiotics can deplete bioflavonoids supplies in the body.

Vitamin P is essential for the proper absorption and use of vitamin C. These two vitamins work together to strengthen capillaries connective tissues. When you buy natural vitamin C; you usually get vitamin P as well.

Two well-known members of this Bioflavonoid complex are Rutin and Hesperidin. One of the richest sources of bioflavonoids is known as Pycnogenol.


                   prevents bruising

helps treat edema and dizziness which result from inner ear infections

                  builds resistance to infections

                  prevents bleeding gums

helps prevent miscarriage

helps to build immunity to cancer

eases and speeds recovery from flu and the common cold

help counteract hemorrhages caused by anticoagulant drug

boosts action of vitamin C

? helps to reduce joint inflammation found in arthritis

                  may be useful in preventing cataracts

works to minimize symptoms of oral herpes

        may work to lower cholesterol levels

Natural Sources

Citrus fruits (primarily the white skin and the segment membranes), apricots, blackberries, cherries, grapes, plums, rose hi black currants, prunes, spinach, green peppers, rose hips and buckwheat.


Bleeding gums/loose teeth, depression/malaise/tiredness, easy bruising, impaired wound healing, irritability, joint pain, anemia, loss of hair, depression, frequent colds, gallstones, thrombosis, bladder cancer, allergies, hayfever, bedsores, hemorrhaging and bruising) rheumatism, hemorrhoids, rheumatic fever


PABA is short for para-aminobenzoic acid and is necessary for the production of folic acid in the human body. It also helps the body utilize pantothenic acid. It is considered an antioxidant that acts as a coenzyme in the metabolism and assimilation of protein. PABA is commonly found in sunscreens because of its capability to protect against sunburn and the formation of skin cancer.

There is some speculation that supplementing the diet with PABA may restore grey hair to its original color. Laboratory tests for the maintenance of healthy intestines by enhancing intestinal flora activity. It has also been found to have anti-aging properties. Taking sulfa drugs may cause a deficiency of PABA. In addition, ingesting coffee, alcohol and excess water can use up PABA stores.

PABA helps the body make folic acid and use pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). It is destroyed by some antibiotics and sulfa drugs, so PABA intake should be increased while taking those medications.



helps prevent eczema

aids in healing and relieving pain of burns

                  keeps skin healthy and helps prevent wrinkles

prevents sunburn when applied directly to the skin

helps restore natural hair color

plays a role in the production of folic acid

enhances intestinal flora activity

                  may play a role in treating infertility


Natural Sources

Organ meats (liver, kidneys), yeast, molasses, whole grains, wheat, bran


Gastro-intestinal disorders, fatigue, irritability, depression, headaches, graying hair, Lupus Erytheniatosis, scleroderma

Very little research has been done for this vitamin. It is believed that vitamin T assists in the formation of blood platelets w promotes the proper clotting of the blood. In addition, vitamin T may help to improve failing memory and the inability to concentrate. RDA has been established and there are no supplements for the public on the market.


                       helps blood coagulation

prevents some kinds of anemia and hemophilia

        may help imrove failing memory and poor concentration

Natural Sources

 Egg yolks, sesame seeds, tahini

 Vitamin U

 Little is known about this vitamin. It was recently discovered and has yet to be thoroughly researched. Vitamin U is high in chlorophyll which is considered a highly effective natural medicine. Supplies of vitamin U are depleted if exposed to high heat. The Russians have said that the useo f vitamin U will cure stomach ulcer


            helps heal ulcers (peptic and duodenal ulcers)

NaturaI Sources

Raw cabbage, sauerkraut, and celery juice


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